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Given several sources of pathways with the same for the same id of the genes it merge them.





Lists of genes and their pathways.


A single list with the pathways of each source on the same gene.


It assumes that the identifier of the genes are the same for both sources but if many aren't equal it issues a warning. Only unique pathways identifiers are returned.


DB1 <- list(g1 = letters[6:8], g2 = letters[1:5], g3 = letters[4:7])
DB2 <- list(
    g1 = c("one", "two"), g2 = c("three", "four"),
    g3 = c("another", "two")
combineSources(DB1, DB2)
#> $g1
#> [1] "f"   "g"   "h"   "one" "two"
#> $g2
#> [1] "a"     "b"     "c"     "d"     "e"     "three" "four" 
#> $g3
#> [1] "d"       "e"       "f"       "g"       "another" "two"    
combineSources(DB1, DB1)
#> $g1
#> [1] "f" "g" "h"
#> $g2
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
#> $g3
#> [1] "d" "e" "f" "g"
DB3 <- list(
    g1 = c("one", "two"), g2 = c("three", "four"),
    g4 = c("five", "six", "seven"), g5 = c("another", "two")
combineSources(DB1, DB3) # A warning is expected
#> Warning: More than 25% of genes identifiers of a source are unique
#> Check the identifiers of the genes
#> $g1
#> [1] "f"   "g"   "h"   "one" "two"
#> $g2
#> [1] "a"     "b"     "c"     "d"     "e"     "three" "four" 
#> $g3
#> [1] "d" "e" "f" "g"
#> $g4
#> [1] "five"  "six"   "seven"
#> $g5
#> [1] "another" "two"    