Similarity score between clusters of genes based on genes similarity
Looks for the similarity between genes of a group and then between each group's genes.
- clusters
A list of clusters of genes to be found in
.- info
A GeneSetCollection or a list of genes and the pathways they are involved.
- method
A vector with two or one argument to be passed to combineScores the first one is used to summarize the similarities of genes, the second one for clusters.
- ...
Other arguments passed to
Methods (by class)
mclusterGeneSim(clusters = list, info = GeneSetCollection)
: Calculates all the similarities of the GeneSetCollection and combine them usingcombineScoresPar()
if (require("")) {
genes.kegg <- as.list(org.Hs.egPATH)
clusters <- list(
cluster1 = c("18", "81", "10"),
cluster2 = c("100", "594", "836"),
cluster3 = c("18", "10", "83")
mclusterGeneSim(clusters, genes.kegg)
mclusterGeneSim(clusters, genes.kegg, c("max", "avg"))
mclusterGeneSim(clusters, genes.kegg, c("max", "BMA"))
} else {
warning("You need package for this example")
#> cluster1 cluster2 cluster3
#> cluster1 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.8022654
#> cluster2 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.8304646
#> cluster3 0.8022654 0.8304646 1.0000000