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Given two genes, calculates the Dice similarity between each pathway which is combined to obtain a similarity between the genes.


mgeneSim(genes, info, method = "max", ...)

# S4 method for class 'character,GeneSetCollection'
mgeneSim(genes, info, method = "max", ...)

# S4 method for class 'missing,GeneSetCollection'
mgeneSim(genes, info, method = "max", ...)



A vector of genes.


A GeneSetCollection or a list of genes and the pathways they are involved.


one of c("avg", "max", "rcmax", "rcmax.avg", "BMA", "reciprocal"), see Details.


Other arguments passed to combineScores


mgeneSim returns the matrix of similarities between the genes in the vector


Given the information about the genes and their pathways, uses the ids of the genes to find the Dice similarity score for each pathway comparison between the genes. Later this similarities are combined using combineScoresPar().

Methods (by class)

  • mgeneSim(genes = character, info = GeneSetCollection): Calculates all the similarities of the list and combine them using combineScoresPar()

  • mgeneSim(genes = missing, info = GeneSetCollection): Calculates all the similarities of the list and combine them using combineScoresPar()


genes accept named characters and the output will use the names of the genes.

See also

geneSim(), conversions() help page to transform Dice score to Jaccard score. For the method to combine the scores see combineScoresPar().


if (require("") & require("reactome.db")) {
    # Extract the paths of all genes of from KEGG
    # (last update in data of June 31st 2011)
    genes.kegg <- as.list(org.Hs.egPATH)
    # Extracts the paths of all genes of from reactome
    genes.react <- as.list(reactomeEXTID2PATHID)
    mgeneSim(c("81", "18", "10"), genes.react)
    mgeneSim(c("81", "18", "10"), genes.react, "avg")
    named_genes <- structure(c("81", "18", "10"),
        .Names = c("ACTN4", "ABAT", "NAT2")
    mgeneSim(named_genes, genes.react, "max")
} else {
    warning("You need reactome.db and package for this example")
#>            ACTN4       ABAT       NAT2
#> ACTN4 1.00000000 0.12133072 0.05482166
#> ABAT  0.12133072 1.00000000 0.05124605
#> NAT2  0.05482166 0.05124605 1.00000000